Mugai Ryu Europe

The official Mugai Ryu European representative with over 20 Dojo across Europe.

Mugai Ryu Europe

Mugai Ryu Europe Dojos

Our Mugai Ryu Iaido Dojos in Europe

We have over 20 Dojos in different Countries across Europe in our Federation. Next to the Dojos led by high ranked teachers, we also have Keikokai in our federation. These are led by persons who do not have a high rank yet, but already spread the art and train together with interested students. Please be aware that only the Dojos listed here are authentic Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha Dojos, even if they state otherwise.



  • Kochokai in Amsterdam / Haarlem under Arjan Tervoort



  • Mugenkai Dojo in Istanbul under Burak Azak

Czech Republic




  • Tenshinkai in Babana



Tenshinkai International Division


Niina Soke about false claims

Individuals who have received hamon (excommunication from the style, meaning their rank, instructor certification and licenses have been nullified and are no longer recognized within the style) by Niina Soke, the founder and head of Mugairyu Meishiha (this name is patented), as well as individuals at the fifth and sixth dan level who have left the organization and have started organizations of their own, claiming to have Soke successorship and ranks such as ninth or tenth dan, have had their names erased from the list of students of Niina Gosoke.  These individuals have absolutely nothing to do with Mugairyu Meishiha. 

These individuals have also used Niina Gosoke’s name without permission to promote their organizations, an act that is designed to deceive prospective practitioners of the art.Mugairyu Meishiha, founded by Niina Gosoke, is a legitimate line of Mugariyu and is the largest group practicing Mugairyu in the world.  In Japan, the organizations legitimately practicing Meishiha include The Mugairyu Foundation, and the International Iaido Organization Hogyokukai. 

Meishiha is practiced all over the world.  Overseas organizations include the North American Mugairyu Federation, Mugairyu Europe, the South America Mugairyu Federation, the Brazil Mugariyu Federation and the Russia Mugairyu Federation.  Organizations operating outside of these areas that are not affiliated with Meishiha are not recognized by Niina Gosoke.
